Meet our September '24 Featured Family: The Breig Family
Jared and Amelia Breig met while attending university together in Missouri. They got married in 2022 and moved to Uganda in 2023 to intern at a children's home. Earlier this year, Sarah Piper was born and welcomed into their family. They are currently still living in Uganda while completing the adoption process for Benja (age 8).
We believe that as followers of Christ we are called to care for those who don't have families (James 1:27). For some families, like ours, that means adoption. We are blessed to have found the connections and resources that have allowed us to bring Benja into our home - he brings us so much joy and our family would not be complete without him!
We (Jared & Amelia) met Benja during a short-term mission trip to Uganda in 2021. He is the sweetest and most joyful child we have ever met. After praying about adoption in general, we strongly sensed the Lord leading us to make Benja in particular part of our family.
Benjamin just turned 8 years old. He has a diagnosis of hydrocephalus and some noticeable developmental, speech, motor, and learning delays.
- encouragement for Jared & Amelia as they navigate living abroad while raising Benja and Sarah (6 months) and helping with the children's home where they work