Meet our April 2024 Featured Family: The Locklair Family

Meet our April 2024 Featured Family: The Locklair Family

1. Tell us more about your family. 

We me in college, were engaged, and married all in the space of the year 2006. We have three sons, Jahleel, Camden, and Peyton. David is a pastor and Kallie is a medical and homeschool mom to our children. We have lived in many different states for David's education and job, but have finally settled in northwest Indiana.

2. Tell us more about your heart for adoption. 

Kallie has beloved family members who were adopted internationally, and we had always longed to be a family for a child who needed one. We were led to our first child, Jahleel, in Hong Kong in 2014. Jahleel had a number of developmental and medical challenges, and his diagnosis list has only grown longer and more complex in the past 10 years. In 2016, we learned of a waiting little boy in China who shared one of Jahleel's rare genetic diagnoses. After months of advocating and praying for him, we realized that maybe we were this boy's family, and our Camden came home in 2017. We then got the biggest surprise of our lives when we found out Kallie was pregnant shortly after arriving home from China, and Peyton was born to us in 2018. Most unfortunately, our son Camden died very suddenly from fulminant myocarditis in 2020. Remembering how much Camden absolutely thrived in a family has only strengthened our desire to be a family for children who need one. We feel particularly called to adopt children with significant medical needs.

3. Tell us more about your adoption journey so far.

Since China is indefinitely closed to new adoptions, our eyes shifted just a little bit to the east and landed on Taiwan. We feel a special connection to Taiwan because it is so close to Fujian, China, where our son Camden was from.

4.  Tell us more about the child you are adopting. 

We are adopting a 6-year-old boy with developmental delays and a physical disability.

Prayer Requests:

Pray for continued stable health for Jahleel, and that Peyton's eye cancer remains inactive. (Part of the reason this adoption has taken so long is that Peyton was diagnosed with a grade D retinoblastoma in fall of 2022, and a hold was placed on our adoption case for over a year).

We will be donating $1 from every bag of coffee sold this month to the Locklair's Connected Hearts Ministry fund and we'd love for YOU to partner with this family in bringing another precious boy home! You can donate directly to them through their Connected Hearts Ministry link, where 100% of the donation will be used for adoption-related expenses:

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