Meet our March Featured Charity: Open Hearts for Orphans

Meet our March Featured Charity: Open Hearts for Orphans

This month we are partnering with Open Hearts for Orphans (OHFO) to help provide basic needs for a family in Uganda! We believe that strengthening families is utterly important so that children can stay with their biological relatives and receive the care they desperately need. Learn more about OHFO's Funding HOPE project:

"Uganda is home to over 20 million children, many of whom are orphaned, abandoned or vulnerable. The vast majority of Ugandans live in rural areas  and earn their living from subsistence agriculture, with half the population living on less than $1 per day. The country’s health  indicators are among the lowest in Africa, with almost 7% of children passing away before their fifth birthday. Due to a lack of resources and  access to health care, many children in Uganda suffer for years with  treatable medical conditions, which often worsen over time. Children who  are abandoned or orphaned often end up in crowded orphanages or living  on the streets. 

Our mission is to protect those children and keep families together as 'orphan prevention.' With trusted partners on the ground, we serve vulnerable children by meeting their basic needs, such as clothing, food, and shelter and we provide the means for medical intervention if necessary."

Learn more about the family we are partnering with OHFO to help this month:

Vincent's (the baby on the bed) mother died, leaving him and five siblings orphaned. He and two of his siblings are being cared for by an impoverished grandmother named Mary Alice. There are 7 orphaned children in the home, plus 4 additional orphaned siblings cared for by relatives. They desperately need bunk beds and bedding (for family, and siblings living with relatives – 11 children and two caregivers), clothing (for eleven children) and two dresses for grandma, school support for nine orphaned children, and a latrine constructed. The total need to provide this basic care for this family is $3,840.

Here is a closer photo of precious baby Vincent. He is in the orphan feeding program and OHFO is sponsoring formula and foster care in addition to the needs listed above.

The family's current latrine. Our goal is to raise funds to build them a safe and hygienic one. 

Will you join us in helping this precious family in need? We will be donating $1 from every bag of freshly roasted coffee sold online or at our events to help fund this family's basic needs and we hope that YOU will join us too! You can donate directly at

Thank you for joining our "coffee for a cause" to help precious Vincent and his family! 
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